Ambitions and Life Purpose
This essay was written for my Eagle Scout application packet. It is dated 12/02/2000.
What are my ambitions? What is my life’s purpose? These are both questions I often ask myself. My best answer is [that] my ambitions are my goals—where I want to go in life—and my life’s purpose is to fulfill these ambitions.
My first ambition regards future employment; I would like to have a job in information technology, that is computers. I already have an in-depth knowledge of the field—hardware, software, and history. I have read such books as Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Teach Yourself… C, and Web Publishing Unleashed. I know how to modify hardware settings through jumpers. I already know the following programming and markup languages: Quick Basic (Q-Basic), Basica, Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Versions 3.2 and 4.01, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) Version 1.0, JavaScript, C, C++, and Logo. I also am familiar with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Version 1.0. I am familiar with the histories of the computer, Internet, and World Wide Web (WWW). I also have some experience in information technology. I created the first E Team Web Site for Perry Meridian Middle School. I am currently creating the CyberBlue Web Site for Perry Meridian High School. As can be seen, I already know my stuff and already have experience.
I would also like to stay in scouting. I would like to get as many Eagle Palms and other awards while still in scout[s] as a youth. As of October 1, 2000, I have the possibility of getting eight Eagle Palms. I would also like to earn the Spanish interpreter strip, Hornaday Award, and Ad Altare Dei. When I become an adult leader I would like to help keep the Boy Scout legacy going and to help other scouts earn their Eagle awards.
I also want to stay fit in my life. I plan on running all my life. I want to participate in a mini or full marathon someday. I hope to get other people interested in running. I would also like to eventually be able to swim a mile.
As one can see, I have many in-depth ambitions. I will strive to meet the goals. If someday I do achieve them, then I will attain my life’s purpose.